How Far I’ll Go

How Far I’ll Go Most people don’t dare to think big and follow their dreams because of the fear of failure, or of being ridiculed and rejected. The end result is that their dreams will always remain just that, a dream. The dream made them feel good while it lasted, but their ideas will remain... Continue Reading →

New Book Reviewer Interview

My journey as an author started when I decided to follow the advice of Toni Morrison who said: “If there is a book that you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

Experience teaches only the teachable

The most overrated skill is to never make a mistake. The most underrated skill is to never repeat one. We all make mistakes and we should learn from them, but when people say they learn from their mistakes it’s sometimes said as if it’s an immutable law, like gravity or thermodynamics.

They always say time changes things

Thinking that time will change something, to cling to it and get lost in its torments; time just passes and doesn't change anything. The only thing that changes is the hour, the date and the year. It is up to each one of us to change and to want to change, to grab the bull by the horns and move forward and arm ourselves with experience and change what was wrong and move in the direction that leads us to success, or failure.

Quote of the day, Giving Up

Giving up means you that you have lost hope and trust in yourself. Giving up lowers your self-confidence which is a really bad quality. But knowing when you've had enough is understanding that the current situation is not what you want, or not heading in a direction that you want to go.

How to overcome herd mentality and not be sheeple

In order to stay sane our brains creates the illusion that all our thoughts are completely rational and independent. But, no matter how independent-minded you think you are, it is easier – and unknowingly more seductive - to follow a widely-accepted dogma, than create your own.

The Art of Letting Go

On the Himalayan mountains was founded a great monastery were students were put to the most rigid tests to cast off all attachments and achieve enlightenment. Two monks of noble repute were summoned by the abbot to take a sealed letter to another leading monastery and submit it to the head abbot. Such journey was to last three days on foot ...

Quotes That Can Change Your Life

A good quote can change the way you see your life, can give you boost when you need it, can act like a friend when you need one or just make you laugh. Famous people’s wise words have traveled through history some have forever been engraved in our collective memory. Here are some quotes to help change your life.

Jewel Kilcher, A Hidden Treasure

Jewel Kilcher, the American singer-songwriter, went from rock-bottom to rock-star. Her music career started with gigs in biker bars and clubs but progressed to performances at the White House and even the Vatican. Singing is not Jewel’s only talent she found the time, in between albums, to become a bestselling author, an actor, and a philanthropist.

Joy Based Living – Meaningful Conversations

Joy Based Living is a community led by author and life-coach Debbie Happy Cohen who help entrepreneurial women access the options and opportunities they’ve always dreamed of; Michele Stone, artist and teacher, is her co-host. Joy Based Living run a regular podcast series and this week it was my turn to join their meaningful conversations.

What You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

What you want to be when you grow up is a difficult question and needs thinking about carefully. Being a doctor, a vet, an engineer, a lawyer, or a scientist are all great options but what if I said you should consider all of those, but also being a writer?

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