Quotes to Think About – What the World Needs

Quotes to Think About

The World needs able men and women, people who can do things that are thoroughly worthwhile; people who can think great thoughts and transform such thoughts into great deeds.”
Christian D. Larson

What do authors do? They think great thoughts then turn those thoughts into words to inspire others

Christian D. Larson knew how to use the power of words to remind people to be optimistic, to be strong, to grow, and to be true to themselves. His poem ‘Promise Yourself‘ is copied below and contains plenty of quotes to think about, please read it slowly and carefully.

Promise Yourself by Christian D. Larson

“Promise yourself to be so strong

That nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything
And make your optimism come true.

To think only the best to work only for the best,
And to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
As you are about your own.

To forget the mistake of the past
And press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
And give every creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
That you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear
And too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
Not in loud words but great deeds.

To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
So long as you are true to the best that is in you.”

What the World Needs is People Who Can Think Great Thoughts

Christian D Larson. (1866-1955) was an American New Thought Leader and Teacher, as well as a prolific author. Larson believed that people have a tremendous latent power within them, which could be harnessed with the right mind and proper attitude for great deeds. His vision was to have science and theology work together for the benefit of mankind.

The New Thought Movement is a movement which developed in the United States in the 19th Century.  Its fundamental teaching is that spirit is extremely powerful and the mind has the power to heal the body. The emphasis is on spiritual and mental healing without rejection of modern medicine. New Thoughts believe that Infinite Intelligence, or God, is everywhere, that all people are spiritual beings, and the power of our thoughts can help us manifest our desire in daily living.

Where do your thoughts come from? The way people are thinking and operating in their daily lives is a reflection of their upbringing, their environment, their education, the books they read, the people they connect with, the experiences they have, the religion they practice. Each of these factors will shape and sculpt each one of us into the person that we are.

Books are critical in helping people having great thoughts. Words have tremendous energy and power, they have the ability to educate, to help, to heal, to illuminate the minds.  Other book quotes to think about are from James Baldwin who said “Books are a way to change one’s destiny, ” and Neil Gaiman, who said “Books are the way that we communicate with the dead, the way we learn lessons from those who are no longer with us, it is the way humanity has built itself and progresses.”

Critical thinking is an art, it requires being able to operate with a rational mind, and it also requires being able to stay clear of conventional wisdom and socially accepted beliefs and moral standards.  Being able to think critically requires that we are also able to really listen to someone, this is an art that needs to be cultivated.  In the first few years of life, we are all taught to speak, which is an important development milestone, a sign that the child is developing normally.  But more emphasis should be placed on the art of listening. Another quote to think about is the one from the Dalai Lama who said: “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” And remember what Aristotle said: “it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

What the World needs is People Who can Transform Thoughts into Great Deeds

Once you have trained yourself to think great thoughts, those thoughts need turning into great deeds, “knowing without doing it is like not knowing at all.

From Japan, we can learn valuable lessons from the Samurai about how we turn great thoughts into great deeds.  Samurais were strong, fearless warriors who lived in medieval Japan. Their code of conduct was, “no fear – no surprise – no hesitation – no doubt.

  • No fear: face your fears head-on and defeat them. Fear stops people from achieving their goal.
  • No surprise. Life is changing all the time, be aware of this and you will never be surprised.
  • No hesitation: weigh up the odds and then get on with it. If you hang back, the opportunity will pass.
  • No doubt: once you have made up your mind about something, relax and go for it. Be confident. Be committed. Turn those thoughts into good deeds.
Tom Cruise in “The Last Samurai”

Part of the Samurai training was to become acquainted and to practice the 7 virtues that would guide them both in battle and in everyday life.

Rectitude – The Samurai were trained in the art of listening and were able to consider all the points of view expressed before making a decision.  They had a high sense of personal accountability and displayed great integrity on the battlefield and in their personal lives.

Respect – The Samurai were respected members of Japanese society held in high esteem, but this was not a one-way street, they were very respectful of others as well.  They aspired to be kind and courteous even to their enemies. They were not cruel or deceptive. They were strong yet gentle, they valued quality over quantity and looked for what was best for all who were involved in any situation.

Courage – The Samurai warrior epitomized courage at its best, to the point of giving their lives for a cause if they believed it was the right thing to do. They were confident and took risks because they knew that was the only way that true growth was possible. They stood up for what they believed in and did what they felt was right.

Honor – The Samurai warrior lived and died with honor. They looked within and embodied self-improvement. They did not seek judgment or validation from others. Rather they were their own person and held themselves accountable for their actions.

Benevolence or Mercy– The Samurai worked hard and endured intense training that made them both physically and mentally strong. As a warrior, the Samurai had the power to kill. However, benevolence was about making sure that they had the ability to exercise mercy when required. Despite being warriors, Samurai were also known for showing great compassion and for volunteering to help their fellow man at every opportunity.

Honesty – Honesty was essential. They did not deceive or made empty promises. Samurai valued trust and would rather die than break that trust, they knew the power of a word.

Duty and Loyalty – The Samurai held themselves responsible for all their actions and the consequences of all their actions. They were immensely loyal to everyone who relied on them. They knew the power that their words and action had, and they were careful not to misuse that power.

Interestingly, the duties of the Samurai also applied to women as well as men; women samurai warriors were forces to be reckoned with in their own right showcasing enough skill and deadly force to match their fellow male samurai. They were known as ‘Onna-bugeisha‘. They mastered the art of archery, horseback riding as well as mastery of the katana, the samurai sword.

Photo of Tomoe Gozen – A female Samurai known for her exceptional beauty and bravery on the battlefield

“What the World needs is able men and women, people who can do things that are thoroughly worthwhile; people who can think great thoughts and transform such thoughts into great deeds”

And This, my dear friend, is your Quest!

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