The Reed Manga Series – Episode 3 – Part 1- Overcoming Obstacles To Finding Your Purpose

In this new episode of the Reed Manga Series, we are going to overcome obstacles to finding our Purpose. Indiana is taking us through a difficult journey filled with obstacles. She finds herself walking through a maze where every twist and turn presents a new challenge to overcome. Indiana’s mission is to help us overcome the obstacles that prevent us from finding our Purpose.  

Among the numerous obstacles one encounters, is the fear of failure that looms in the distance but ever so present, casting shadows of doubt and hesitation at every turn. This fear, often deeply ingrained within us, serves as a formidable adversary, whispering tales of inadequacy and discouragement, urging us to retreat from our aspirations.

Yet, it is not merely our internal battles that we must contend with. External expectations and societal pressures exert their influence, weaving a tangled web of conventions and norms that often diverge us from our true desires. The weight of familial, societal, and cultural obligations can feel suffocating, and can slow down or even discourage our pursuit of authenticity and fulfillment.

Furthermore, the relentless pursuit of perfectionism and the toxic habit of comparison serve as relentless foes on the path to Purpose.  Our Quest for perfection shackles us in a cycle of self-doubt and dissatisfaction, rendering our accomplishments hollow in the face of unattainable standards set by others.

In the midst of all of this, a pervasive lack of clarity and direction clouds our vision, leaving us adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Without a clear understanding of our passions and inclinations, we find ourselves wandering aimlessly, unable to discern the path that leads to our true calling.

And if this wasn’t enough, add to all these challenges the haunting specter of self-doubt and imposter syndrome; which translates itself into a nagging fear that we are undeserving of success, that we are mere imposters masquerading as capable individuals, this daunting feeling hits us at the very core of our being, threatening to undermine our every endeavor.

The first obstacle to finding your purpose: Fear of failure and success

The Reed Manga Series – Overcoming Obstacles to Finding Your Purpose

Fear manifests itself in various forms, two of the most potent being fear of failure and fear of success. The fear of failure installs insidious doubt into our minds, paralyzing us with the terror of making mistakes or falling short of expectations. Conversely, the fear of success, though seemingly paradoxical, stems from the uncertainty of handling the responsibilities and expectations that accompany achievement.

Both types of fear lead us into a cocoon of stagnation, preventing us from taking any risks and exploring avenues that could lead us to our Purpose.  Overcoming these fears requires acknowledging their existence, reframing failure as a stepping stone to growth, and embracing success as a testament to our capabilities.

The second obstacle to finding your purpose: External expectations and societal pressures

External expectations and societal pressures can constitute real barriers on our way to finding our Purpose. From the moment we step into the world, we are bombarded with a barrage of shoulds and musts, dictating the trajectory of our lives based on societal norms and cultural standards.

We have to bear in mind however that our Purpose cannot be defined by external parameters, it is an intrinsic journey that unfolds from within. Breaking free from the shackles of external expectations requires cultivating self-awareness, setting boundaries, and daring to forge our own path, even if it diverges from the well-trodden road.

The third obstacle to finding your purpose: Perfectionism and comparison

Perfectionism taken to the extreme often morphs into a suffocating burden, inhibiting our progress and sowing the seeds of self-doubt. The relentless pursuit of perfection sets unattainable standards, leaving us trapped in a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction and self-criticism. 

Moreover, the toxic habit of comparison exacerbates this predicament, as we measure our worth against the lives of others, perpetuating feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. Embracing imperfection as a testament to our humanness and celebrating our unique journey is the antidote to perfectionism and comparison. By relinquishing the need for external validation and focusing on our individual growth, we pave the way for a more authentic and fulfilling existence.

The Fourth obstacle to finding your purpose: lack of clarity and direction

The Reed Manga Series – Episode 3 Part1 – Overcoming Obstacles to Finding Your Purpose

The absence of clarity and direction casts a shadow of uncertainty over our pursuit of Purpose, leaving us adrift in a sea of endless possibilities. Without a clear road map or defined destination, we wander aimlessly, unsure of where to plant our feet or which path to tread.

However, clarity is not a destination but a journey, one that unfolds gradually through introspection, exploration, and experimentation. Embracing the uncertainty of the unknown and trusting in the process of self-discovery empowers us to chart our course with confidence and conviction.

The fifth obstacle to finding your purpose: Self-doubt and imposter syndrome

Self-doubt is the insidious whisper that tells us that we are not good enough. Imposter syndrome is the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of competence.  Self-doubt and imposter syndrome erode our self-esteem and undermine our confidence, convincing us that we are unworthy of success or incapable of realizing our dreams.

However, the truth is that self-doubt is an inherent part of our human experience, a natural response to stepping outside our comfort zone and embracing growth. By reframing self-doubt as a catalyst for introspection and self-improvement, we can harness its power to propel us forward rather than hold us back.

Finding our purpose is a journey riddled with obstacles but trust in the process we should because each of those obstacles presents an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. From the paralyzing grip of fear to the suffocating weight of societal expectations, overcoming these obstacles requires courage, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to authenticity.

 Like navigating through a complex maze, every twist and turn demands our attention and determination. Yet, with each obstacle we conquer, we inch closer to the center, where clarity and purpose await. By acknowledging the existence of these barriers, reframing our perspective, and embracing the journey of self-discovery, we can unlock the door to our purpose and step into a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

For a front-row seat and exclusive access to Part 2, join me on Ko-Fi as we embark on a journey filled with words, wonder, and endless possibilities.

The Reed Manga Series – Episode 2 Part 2 – Finding Your Purpose – Intellectual Sparring Match

In the heart of a dense jungle, where ancient trees loom overhead and the sounds of wildlife echo through the air, lies a dusty, makeshift fighting ring. It’s a place where the law of the jungle reigns supreme, and only the strongest and most cunning survive.

On this particular day, the atmosphere crackles with tension as two formidable figures stand face-to-face in the ring. Indiana, a fearless adventurer whose aura exudes confidence and determination, and Lorenzo, a smug and combative fighter.

Indiana and Lorenzo, both formidable in their own right, embody the dichotomy of human nature: one, a seeker of adventure and truth, unyielding in her pursuits, the other, a cunning warrior, driven by ego and the thirst for dominance. Their clash is not just physical but philosophical, a battle of ideologies waged amidst the unforgiving nature of the jungle.

As the first stars begin to twinkle in the night sky, Indiana and Lorenzo prepare to engage in a battle of wits and will, their words serving as their weapons in their intellectual sparring match that will test not only their intellects but also their souls.

Both driven by their ambitions and desires, Indiana and Lorenzo are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery and introspection, where the Quest for Purpose will take center stage amidst the backdrop of darkness and uncertainty.

As the stage is set and the fighters take their positions, the stage is ripe for a dialogue that will not only entertain but also provoke thought and reflections on the question: How do you find your Purpose in a world full of chaos and contradictions?

Unbeknownst to them, what started as a philosophical sparring match on Purpose took Indiana and Lorenzo into a path (actually some pretty rough terrain) that they did not anticipate. They came to tackle the uncomfortable reality that the whole system is rigged!

Episode 2 – Part 2 – Finding Purpose – An Intellectual Sparring Match – Indiana v Lorenzo

Silver Tiers Members have exclusive access to Part 2. For just $5 per month (the price of a cup of Ko-fi/coffee) you can become a  Ko-Fi Silver Tiers members. So, come join me on Ko-Fi for an epic journey filled with words, wonder, and boundless possibilities as we unravel together the mysteries of Purpose.

The Reed Manga Series – Episode 2 – Part 1 – Find Your Purpose

Find your purpose. One of the greatest Quests we embark upon is the pursuit of Purpose. It’s a journey that often feels like groping in the dark, searching for that elusive spark that sets our souls ablaze. Yet, finding your Purpose isn’t about stumbling upon a hidden treasure; it’s about deliberate introspection, embracing your unique talents, and aligning your passions with your authentic self.

It requires peeling back the layers of societal conditioning and daring to confront the raw, unfiltered truth of who you are. Only through this journey of self-discovery can you unlock the door to your Purpose, illuminating the path ahead with clarity and conviction. So, embrace the challenge, for within the depths of your being lies a purpose waiting to be unveiled—a purpose that will not only enrich your life but also leave an indelible mark on the world.

You find your Purpose by identifying what ignites your soul

The Reed Manga Series – Episode 2 – Find Your Purpose – Those Characters are one-of-a-kind. They have been brought to life by Joanne Reed via Dell-E3

Years ago, I discovered that what fuelS my soul is the practice of martial arts (Krav Maga & Muay Thai). One of the essential items for my training sessions is my Training Boxing Inner Gloves. When I wear them I feel in control and enveloped by an aura of mastery.

Discovering something that ignites your soul is akin to stumbling upon a hidden oasis in the desert. For many, me included, it’s often found in the pursuit of a passion. In my case, the realms of martial arts have been the crucible where my soul finds its fire.

The discipline, the adrenaline rush, and the constant striving for improvement not only provide physical benefits but also nourish the spirit. Whether it’s the precision of a well-executed kick or the humility gained from a defeat in a sparring match, martial arts offer a canvas for self-discovery and growth.

Through the relentless practice of Krav Maga and Muay Thai, I have not only honed my physical abilities but also unearthed layers of resilience and determination within myself that I never knew existed. It’s in the dojo, amidst the sweat and the struggle, that I find solace and clarity—a sanctuary where I am free to explore the depths of my potential and embrace the true essence of who I am.

Through the rhythmic cadence of punches, kicks, and knee strikes, I release stress and tension, purging negativity from my mind and body. With each strike, I reclaim a sense of control and empowerment, confronting my fears head-on and emerging stronger on the other side. In addition, the camaraderie forged with fellow practitioners fosters a sense of belonging and support, creating a nurturing environment for personal growth.

You find your Purpose by leveraging your unique talent and skills

The Reed Manga Series – Episode 2 – Find Your Purpose. Those characters are one-of-a-kind. They have been brought to life by Joanne Reed via Dell-E3.

Leveraging your unique talents and skills is paramount in your Quest for Purpose. Each of us possesses a distinct set of strengths waiting to be unearthed and harnessed. It’s about recognizing what you excel at and weaving it into the fabric of your daily activities. Whether you’re a master of words, a maestro of numbers, or a virtuoso of emotions, there’s a place for your talents. By embracing what sets you apart, you not only enrich your own journey but also contribute to the greater good with the gift of your uniqueness.

In a world that often emphasizes conformity, daring to embrace your individuality can be a revolutionary act. Your unique perspective, skills, and experiences offer a fresh lens through which to tackle all kinds of problems and pave new paths forward. It’s in the fusion of diverse talents and perspectives that innovation thrives and progress is made. So, don’t shy away from your quirks or downplay your strengths—embrace them wholeheartedly and let them guide you towards a purpose that is uniquely yours. As you do so, you not only unlock your own potential but also inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and transformation that reverberates far beyond your own journey.

You find your purpose by ensuring that it is aligned with your authentic self

The Reed Manga Series – Episode 2 – Find Your Purpose – Those characters are one-of-a-kind.They have been brought to life by Joanne Reed via Dell-E3

However, the pursuit of purpose is not merely about chasing external validation or societal expectations. It’s about delving deep within oneself to unearth the essence of who you truly are. Ensuring that your purpose aligns with your authentic self requires introspection, self-awareness, and the courage to break free from the shackles of conformity. It’s about peeling away the layers of societal conditioning and embracing the raw, unfiltered truth of your being. Only then can you forge a purpose that resonates with the core of your being, guiding you towards a life of fulfillment and meaning.

In a world that often bombards us with messages of who we should be and what we should strive for, it takes courage to silence the noise and listen to the whispers of our own hearts. Embracing your authentic self means honoring your passions, values, and aspirations, even if they diverge from the mainstream narrative. It means daring to chart your own course, unapologetically and authentically, regardless of the judgments or expectations of others. As you embark on this journey of self-discovery, remember that your truth is your greatest compass, guiding you towards a purpose that is uniquely yours.

Discover how you can make a difference.

The Reed Manga Series – Episode 2 – Find Your Purpose. Those characters are one-of-a-kind. They have been brought to life by Joanne Reed via Dell-E3

In the realm of martial arts, the potential to make a difference transcends the boundaries of the dojo. Beyond honing physical prowess, martial arts serve as a catalyst for empowerment and transformation.

 The practice of martial arts can have a profound impact on people, especially on women. Learning self-defense techniques instills in you a sense of confidence that you are able to defend yourself in the physical and mental realm. Martial arts empower women to navigate life’s adversities with courage and resilience. It’s about more than just throwing punches and kicks; it’s about equipping individuals with the tools to defend themselves, both physically and mentally. Through martial arts, we have the power to shatter stereotypes, defy expectations, and pave the way for a world where every woman feels empowered to stand tall and claim her strength.

Finding your Purpose is not a destination but a journey—a journey of self-discovery, growth, and contribution. It’s about finding something that ignites your soul, leveraging your unique talents, aligning with your authentic self, and making a difference in the lives of others. Whether it’s through the discipline of martial arts or any other avenue, the key lies in embracing who you are and channeling that essence into a force for good. So, dare to embark on this odyssey, for within the depths of your being lies a purpose waiting to be unveiled—a purpose that will not only enrich your life but also leave an indelible mark on the world.

For a front-row seat and exclusive access to Part 2, join me on Ko-Fi as we embark on a journey filled with words, wonder, and endless possibilities.


The Reed Manga Series – Episode 1 – Part 2 – Understanding The Significance of Purpose

Intellectual Sparring Match Between Indiana, Bellamy, and Theodorus – Putting the Theory To The Test

In the vast expanse of the desert, where the shifting sands whisper secrets of ancient civilizations, we encounter a trio of intriguing characters amidst the desolate but beautiful dunes. Indiana, a bold and intrepid adventurer, roars across the sandy terrain on her motorbike, seeking thrills and hidden treasures buried beneath the sun-soaked landscape.

 As she navigates the rugged terrain, she unexpectedly crosses paths with Bellamy, a brooding figure whose cynicism and disillusionment with the world mirror the harsh emptiness of the desert itself. Despite his skepticism, Bellamy is joined by Theodorus, a serene and wise philosopher whose presence exudes a sense of tranquility amidst the desert’s vastness.

Theodorus possesses a wealth of knowledge and insight, offering guidance to those who seek understanding amidst life’s complexities. As these three disparate souls converge in the desert’s unforgiving embrace, they embark on a journey that will test their beliefs, challenge their perceptions, and ultimately illuminate the importance of purpose in a world fraught with uncertainty.

Episode 1 – Part 2 – Understanding The Significance of Purpose – Bellamy – Indiana – Theodorus

Silver Tiers Members have exclusive access to Part 2. For just $5 per month (the price of a cup of Ko-fi/coffee) you can become a  Ko-Fi Silver Tiers members. So, come join me on Ko-Fi for an epic journey filled with words, wonder, and boundless possibilities as we unravel together the mysteries of Purpose.

The Reed Manga Series – Season 1 – Episode 1 – Part 1 – Understanding the Significance of Purpose

Defining Purpose – What it is and What it isn’t

Understanding the significance of purpose is fundamental to navigating life with clarity, motivation, and fulfillment. Purpose serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards meaningful endeavors and shaping our decisions, actions, and aspirations. It encapsulates the deep-seated reason for our existence, transcending mere existence to imbue our lives with direction and significance.

At its core, purpose provides a sense of meaning and direction, offering a framework through which we can define our goals, prioritize our efforts, and derive fulfillment from our pursuits. It serves as a compass, helping us navigate through the complexities of life by aligning our actions with our core values, passions, and aspirations. When we understand our purpose, we gain a sense of clarity that empowers us to make choices that resonate with our authentic selves, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Purpose is not a rigid destination or a fixed endpoint but rather a dynamic journey of self-discovery and growth. It is not necessarily tied to external achievements or societal expectations but rather emerges from within, as individuals cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

Moreover, purpose is not a panacea for all of life’s challenges; it does not shield individuals from adversity or guarantee a life free from setbacks. Instead, purpose provides a resilient foundation upon which individuals can navigate the ups and downs of life with greater clarity, resilience, and meaning.

Understanding the link between Purpose and well-being

Research across psychology, neuroscience, and sociology consistently highlights the crucial role of purpose in fostering positive mental health outcomes and enhancing overall well-being.

When individuals have a clear sense of purpose, they tend to experience higher levels of life satisfaction, happiness, and psychological flourishing. This stems from the intrinsic motivation and sense of meaning derived from pursuing goals that are aligned with one’s core values and passions.

Moreover, purpose acts as a buffer against stress and adversity, bolstering resilience in the face of challenges. Individuals with a strong sense of purpose are better equipped to cope with setbacks, navigate uncertainties, and maintain psychological equilibrium during difficult times. This resilience stems from the overarching sense of direction and meaning that purpose provides, enabling individuals to perceive setbacks as temporary obstacles rather than insurmountable barriers.

Understanding Purpose – Image created by Joanne Reed via Dell -E 3

Purpose and mental health are intricately intertwined, with each influencing and enhancing the other in profound ways. . A strong sense of purpose provides individuals with a framework for navigating life’s challenges, offering clarity, motivation, and direction. When individuals have a clear understanding of their purpose, they tend to experience higher levels of psychological well-being, including increased life satisfaction, happiness, and resilience.

Purpose acts as a protective factor against mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and existential distress by providing individuals with a sense of meaning and significance in their lives. Conversely, poor mental health can hinder one’s ability to discern or pursue their purpose, leading to feelings of aimlessness, disconnection, and despair. Cultivating a sense of purpose can thus serve as a powerful tool for promoting mental health and well-being, offering a sense of fulfillment and empowerment that enriches every aspect of life.

Understanding how Purpose drives achievement and success

Purpose serves as a potent driver of achievement and success. When individuals have a clear sense of purpose, they are more likely to set ambitious goals, persist in the face of obstacles, and channel their efforts toward meaningful outcomes. Purpose provides a compelling reason to strive for excellence, inspiring individuals to push beyond their comfort zones and pursue goals that align with their values and aspirations.

Moreover, purpose imbues actions with intentionality and focus, guiding decision-making processes and prioritizing tasks that contribute to the fulfillment of one’s overarching mission. This clarity of purpose enables individuals to channel their time, energy, and resources effectively, maximizing their potential for success.

Furthermore, purpose fosters intrinsic motivation, driving individuals to pursue mastery and continuous growth in their chosen endeavors. As a result, individuals with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks, viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than insurmountable barriers.

Ultimately, purpose-driven individuals are not only more likely to achieve their goals but also to experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their accomplishments, as they are aligned with their core values and aspirations.

Understanding why living without Purpose leads to dissatisfaction

Living without purpose inevitably leads to dissatisfaction and existential distress. Without a sense of purpose, individuals may feel adrift, disconnected, and unfulfilled, as they lack a guiding framework for their actions and aspirations. This sense of aimlessness can manifest in various forms, including feelings of emptiness, boredom, and disillusionment.

Furthermore, the absence of purpose can hinder personal growth and hinder individuals from realizing their full potential. Without a sense of direction or meaning, individuals may struggle to set meaningful goals, make important decisions, or find fulfillment in their pursuits. This lack of purpose can perpetuate a cycle of stagnation and disillusionment, as individuals feel trapped in a perpetual state of existential uncertainty.

In Part 2- The Reed Manga Community will put this theory to the test. Click here to have exclusive access.

Rules of Engagement Part 2 – Reed Manga Community

This direct interaction and collaboration are reserved for Ko-Fi Silver Tiers members. So, come join me on Ko-Fi for an epic journey filled with words, wonder, and boundless possibilities as we unravel together the mysteries of Purpose.


The Quest for Purpose – A Never-Ending Journey of Exploration and Growth

Launching The Reed Manga Series

The Quest For Purpose – Unleash Our Creative Power Together. Join The Reed Manga Community

The Quest for Purpose is a never-ending journey of exploration and growth, where every step taken brings us closer to understanding ourselves and our place in the world. I am taking you on an epic journey of self-discovery, a captivating odyssey, where we will travel through the uncharted territories of the heart and mind, seeking to unveil the elusive essence of purpose that lies within.

As we set sail on this epic voyage, we are propelled by an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering determination to uncover the deeper truths that shape our existence. Along the way, we encounter myriad challenges and triumphs, each offering valuable insights and lessons to guide us forward.

Through the twists and turns of our adventure, we are compelled to confront our fears, embrace our passions, and forge our own path toward fulfillment. Join me as we navigate the winding roads of self-discovery, embarking on a Quest that promises to illuminate our lives with clarity, purpose, and boundless possibility.

The Quest For Purpose – Launching the Reed Manga Series

Reed Manga Series My name is Indiana. I am on Quest to help you find your Purpose.

Meet Indiana. She is my avatar. She is a blend of me mixed with Lara Croft, Manga Character, and a zest of Indiana Jones. Note that the visuals and characters that are being featured in this article are one-of-a-kind conceptualized artwork that I have brought to life via Dall-E3.

Welcome to the Reed Manga Series, where vibrant characters from the world of manga join forces with an intrepid author (moi- Joanne Reed) to create an interactive one-of-a-kind storytelling experience. My mission is to help all my readers and followers find their purpose.

Manga originated from Japan. It is a unique form of storytelling that captivates audiences worldwide. It encompasses a diverse range of genres, from action-packed adventures and heartfelt romances to thought-provoking dramas and fantastical tales. What sets manga apart is its distinct art style characterized by expressive characters, dynamic action sequences, and intricate storytelling.

Manga holds a unique allure for young readers, fostering literacy skills and a love for storytelling, unlike any other medium. Its visual nature engages readers of all levels, using text and visual storytelling techniques that enhance comprehension. As readers follow serialized stories, they develop patience and anticipation, eagerly awaiting each new installment.

The immersive world crafted by talented manga writers ignite imagination and curiosity, driving readers to devour content voraciously. Through this process, young people not only become avid readers but also hone critical thinking skills as they analyze complex narratives and empathize with diverse characters. In essence, manga serves as a gateway to literacy, nurturing a lifelong passion for reading and storytelling.

In the Reed Manga Series, this captivating art form serves as the backdrop for a journey of self-discovery and introspection. Here, manga characters come alive, crossing paths with our intrepid author in a Quest to unlock the mystery of self and what is our purpose here.

The Quest for Purpose: Help me unravel its mysteries

Purpose, the guiding force that propels us forward in life, is often elusive yet profoundly impactful. Join me, as we embark on a Quest to unravel its mysteries and understand why discovering our Purpose is essential. Together, we will explore the significance of Purpose, uncover techniques for finding it, and learn how to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way.

So, prepare to be enthralled as manga characters with the help of our intrepid author illuminate the path to Purpose and meaning in a world brimming with adventure and possibilities.

The Quest For Purpose – Check out the Reed Manga Series. But first, we need a road map

Below is our road map.

Reed Manga Season 1: The Quest For Purpose: A Never-Ending Journey of Exploration and Growth

Episode 1: Understanding the Significance of Purpose

  • Defining Purpose: What It Is and What It Isn’t
  • The Link Between Purpose and Well-Being
  • How Purpose Drives Achievement and Success
  • The Impact of Purpose on Mental Health and Resilience
  • Why Living Without Purpose Leads to Dissatisfaction
  • Impact of Purpose on Well-being

Grab your popcorn and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery with Season 1 of the Reed Manga Series. Our intrepid writer is putting the final touch to Episode 1 which will kick off soon.

In Episode 1, I will take the helm to guide us through the intricate theory of Purpose. Part 1 sees our intrepid writer using her writing skills to craft an insightful blog article, accessible to all, that highlights the essence and significance of Purpose in our lives. As readers delve into the depths of this theory, they will gain invaluable insights and perspectives to ponder.

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

Pablo Picasso
The Quest For Purpose – Reed Manga Series

In Part 2, our intrepid writer will bring the theory to life by engaging in dynamic dialogues with fictional characters. Through banter, humor, anger, and frustration, these characters become the conduits through which the ideas and concepts discussed in Part 1 are tested and explored, adding layers of depth and vibrancy to the subject matter. Join me on this epic journey of self-discovery where every word you read leads you to an adventure waiting to unfold.

To all the writers and creators out there, I invite you to participate in this intellectual sparring match by joining forces with me and infusing the dialogue with your unique perspectives and insights. Additionally, readers are encouraged to comment and share their feedback and insight, fostering in the process a community where ideas are shared in a creative way.

Below are the Reed Manga Community Rules of Engagement

This direct interaction and collaboration are reserved for Ko-Fi Silver Tiers members. So, come join me on Ko-Fi for an epic journey filled with words, wonder, and boundless possibilities as we unravel together the mysteries of Purpose.

So, press that button and join me on Ko-Fi as we embark on a journey filled with words, wonder, and endless possibilities.  

Understanding The Human Need For Control: Navigating Fear, Insecurity and Uncertainty

In the complex tapestry of human emotions and behaviors, understanding the human need for control is an important task, because the desire for control weaves a prominent threat. From the mundane routines of daily life to the grand schemes of our dreams and aspirations, to the total control of authorities and government, the Quest for control influences our decisions and shapes our interactions with the world. But why do we crave control so fervently, and how does this craving intertwine with our experiences of fear, insecurity, and uncertainty?

At its core, the need for control stems from a fundamental human instinct for survival. From our earliest ancestors grappling with the unpredictability of the natural world to modern individuals navigating the complexities of society, exerting control provides a sense of security in an otherwise chaotic environment. When we feel in control, we believe we can influence outcomes, mitigate risks, and safeguard our well-being.

Understanding the Human need for control : Navigating Fear, Insecurity and Uncertainty

Understanding the need for control. Photo from Freepik Via


Fear serves as a potent catalyst for our pursuit of control. Whether it’s the fear of failure, rejection, or physical harm, our innate response is often to seek ways to regain a sense of control over our circumstances. This can manifest in various forms, from meticulously planning every detail of our lives to avoiding situations that provoke anxiety or uncertainty. By exerting control, we attempt to preemptively address potential threats and alleviate the discomfort brought about by fear.


Insecurity further fuels our desire for control, amplifying our vulnerability to external influences and internal doubts. Feelings of inadequacy or inferiority can prompt us to compensate by using control as a means of bolstering our sense of self-worth and competence. We may strive to assert authority over our surroundings, relationships, or achievements in an effort to validate our identity and alleviate that horrible feeling of insecurity that lurks beneath the surface.


Life is inherently unpredictable, and no amount of planning or preparation can shield us from the myriad contingencies that lie beyond our grasp.  The pursuit of absolute control becomes tantamount to becoming the main character in the movie “The Myth of Sisyphus” who with a lot of courage and perseverance rolls up that rock at the top of the mountain only to have the rock roll down to the bottom every time he reaches the top. In our relentless Quest for certainty, we inadvertently amplify our anxieties and magnify the very fears we seek to quell. In this process, we become blind to the beauty and richness of life’s uncertainties. Our need for control will no doubt hinder our ability to experience spontaneity, creativity, and growth.

Understanding the need for control especially when it becomes excessive

Understanding Human Need for Control. Photo from Freepik via

Excessive need for control can manifest  in various aspects of life, often stemming from a deep-seated fear of uncertainty, failure, or loss. In interpersonal relationships, this need may result in micromanaging behaviors, where individuals feel compelled to oversee and control every aspect of the people living under their roof. Being a control freak is not a good look.  Such behavior can strain relationships, erode trust, and breed resentment, as the incessant need for control communicates a lack of faith in the other person’s abilities and judgments.

In the professional realm, an excessive need for control may lead to an unpleasant work environment characterized by rigid hierarchies, bureaucratic red tape, and limited innovation. Employees may feel disempowered, demotivated, and fearful.

On a personal level, an overwhelming need for control can manifest as perfectionism, where individuals set impossibly high standards for themselves and others, leading to chronic stress, anxiety, and burnout.

This relentless pursuit of control is paradoxically self-defeating, as it robs individuals of the opportunity to learn from failures, adapt to change, and embrace the inherent unpredictability of life.

Furthermore, an excessive need for control can manifest in destructive coping mechanisms such as obsessive-compulsive behaviors, eating disorders, or substance abuse, as individuals seek to exert control over their emotions and surroundings in unhealthy ways.

Join me on Ko-Fi to have access to Part 2 of this article

I wrote this article after receiving a request from my first Silver Member. In Part 2 I deal with

How governments exert control over their population through various mechanisms:

  • Rules & Regulations
  • Propaganda and censorship
  • Economic Control
  • Shadow banning and Algorithms.

Total Control: The convergence of Health Passport, CBDC, and Credit Scoring

  • Health Passport System
  • Central Banking Digital Currency (CBDC)
  • Social Credit Scores

 At the extreme end of the spectrum, the human need for control can lead us straight to a “Hunger Game Society”

You can become a Kofi Silver Member for just $5 per month. One of the benefits of joining the Silver Membership is that you can make requests for blog articles, blog posts, or commission a one of kind project just for you. Tell me (in full confidence) what intrigues you, what irritates you, what scares you; I will look into it, and come back to you with some thoughts, insight, and guidance. If you are a writer, we could collaborate, co-create and start some delightful conversation on the subject of your choice.

So, press that button and join me on Ko-Fi as we embark on a journey filled with words, wonder, and endless possibilities.  

Brew Up Some Support

Do You Fancy Joining Me for a Ko-Fi /Coffee?

Brew up some support for writers. In the vast realm of creative endeavor, writers often find themselves navigating a tricky landscape. Their craft requires not only dedication but also support from readers and fellow enthusiasts. From poets penning verses to novelists crafting intricate worlds, to storytellers using their artistry to pass on information, knowledge, and wisdom to their community, the journey of a writer is enriched by the encouragement and backing of their audience.

So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s explore why supporting writers is essential and why I am writing this article to ask my readers and followers to hit that follow button on Ko-Fi.

[Full disclosure: Please note that I am writing this article with a bias outlook and I have a personal interest in the subject matter.]

Brew up some support for writers for the following reasons:

Brew Some Support Ko-fi /Coffee?

Writers fuel imagination

Think about the last book that transported you to another world or the blog post that shed light on a topic you were curious about. Behind these literary delights are writers whose imagination knows no bounds. They are the architects of the world, the weavers of tales, and the conveyors of knowledge. But just like any artists, writers need fuel for their creative engines.

By supporting writers, you are keeping the fire of imagination burning. Your encouragement, whether through a kind comment, a positive book review, a  cup of coffee /a Ko-Fi membership, or a purchase of a book, all of this serves as the catalyst for their next big idea, keeping them energized to continue crafting stories that captivate and inspire.

Writers shape the cultural landscape and challenge the status quo

Creativity is a force that propels humanity forward, igniting innovation and sparking change. Writers, as purveyors of creativity, play a crucial role in shaping the cultural landscape and challenging the status quo.

Writing is a labor of love, often requiring countless hours of research, drafting, and editing. Every word a writer puts down on paper (or screen) carries significance. By supporting writers, you are not just endorsing their work, you are affirming the value of storytelling.

Getting attention from the public is what authors are craving for, not just to shine a light on themselves and their work, but to share some meaningful and impactful words with their audience. Well-chosen words breathe hope into us when our spirits are broken, revive us when our bodies are weary, lift our spirits up when we lose ourselves in an ocean of despair, redeem the wrong we feel, and make us stronger than we know.

Writers shape the world

Do not underestimate the writer’s role in society, because writers bring to the world something that no one else can… they shape the world. Writers have the power through their words to educate, heal, and illuminate the mind.

The only people who see the whole picture are the ones who can step outside the frame, writers love stepping outside their comfort zone and outside the frame.

A poet’s work is to name the unamenable, to point to fraud, to start arguments, to shape the world, and to stop it from going to sleep. Writing is as close as we get to keeping a hold on the thousand and one things that go on in the world, uncertainty, doubts, dreams, love, deception …. To understand just one life you have to swallow the world. Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest place in human society and in the human spirit, where I go to find not absolute truth, but the truth of the tale, of the imagination of the heart.”

Salman Rushdie

Do you fancy joining me for a Ko-fi/coffee?

Brew Up Some Support Ko-fi /coffee?

Now that we’ve explored the importance of supporting writers, you might be wondering why you should hit that Ko-Fi Page Button? Well, aside from the fact that “a life without coffee is a life not lived”, below are a few reasons why I invite you to buy me a coffee.

Dive into diverse exclusive content

From thought-provoking essays to whimsical short stories, my Silver Membership Page is a treasure trove of eclectic, mind-blowing, insightful, and unique content.  By joining me on this platform, you’ll have access to a plethora of literary delights guaranteed to make you think, give you some clarity, and tantalize your imagination.

You will be encouraged to reach out to me through direct messages, make exclusive requests, have access to exclusive shop items and exclusive discounts.

Go shopping for eBooks, guides, and much more…

The Ko-Fi online shop gives you easy access to a whole range of products that I have drafted especially for you. Go and have a sneak peek, there is bound to be something in there that will draw your attention. For the Silver members, I have some exclusive eProducts that will delight, inspire, and motivate you and I look forward to hearing back from you with your requests. Tell me (in full confidence) what intrigues you, what irritates you, what scares you; I would look into, and come back to you with some thoughts, insights and guidance.

Join a growing community.

By joining my Ko-Fi community, you’ll become part of a vibrant network of fellow book lovers, storytellers, artists and curious souls. Whether you’re sharing book recommendations or engaging in spirited discussions, there’s always room for more voices at the table. Supporting writers is not just about backing individual creators, it’s about championing the power of storytelling and nurturing the creative spirit.

I am an artist. I am a creator of ideas. Swimming in a sparkling sea of imagination. A magician of sorts turning thought of wonderment into pieces of originality. Each creation showcases my own personal journey. My worries, dreams, and ambitions. Everything I love and everything, I fear. All that I was yesterday and all that I’ll be tomorrow is neatly contained in my glorious creations. When you glance over my work, you catch a glimpse of my soul. For a part of me is each piece I create. I march to my own beat and widely dance to my own rhythm. Passion runs through my veins and emotions are fuel for my craft. Certain pieces I protect and keep to myself. While others I’ll share with the world. I am a creative beacon shining my light brightly. For all the Universe to see.”

Joanne Reed

So, press that button and join me on Ko-Fi as we embark on a journey filled with words, wonder, and endless possibilities.  

If You Wish to Support My Work Join Me on Ko-Fi. You can also follow me on my FaceBook Page .

The Lost Art of Listening Without Prejudice

In today’s fast-paced world, where opinions are formed in seconds and judgments are made swiftly, the art of listening without prejudice seems to be fading into obscurity. We live in an era dominated by constant distractions, where the cacophony of social media, news cycles, and personal biases often drown out the simple act of truly hearing one another.

Picture this: you are in the middle of a conversation, but your mind is already leapfrogging to your next witty retort or a brilliant anecdote. Then you hop onto your mobile phone where impatience pervades conversations like a silent intruder. You step into a virtual realm, where most of us spend too much time, where instant messaging and rapid-fire exchanges reign supreme, and where true listening becomes a rare commodity. Congratulations! You’ve just joined the exclusive club of impatient listeners.

The ability to listen without prejudice is not just a forgotten skill, it is a fundamental aspect of effective communication and understanding in a diverse and interconnected society.

The Lost Art of Listening Without Prejudice

The Lost Art of Listening Without prejudice. Photo by Freepik via

In the cacophony of voices that permeate our daily lives, the skill of listening without prejudice is an art form that is unfortunately in danger of becoming extinct.

Listening without prejudice is an art that requires patience, presence, and a willingness to suspend judgment, fully inhabit the moment and open oneself to the speaker’s perspective. It involves not just hearing words but actively engaging with them, seeking to understand the underlying thoughts, feelings, and intentions behind them.

One of the primary reasons for the decline of this art is the prevalence of echo chambers in modern society. With the rise of social media algorithms that curate content based on our past interactions and preferences, we are increasingly exposed to viewpoints that align with our own, reinforcing existing beliefs and shielding us from dissenting opinions. This creates an environment where listening without prejudice becomes increasingly challenging, as we become accustomed to hearing only what we want to hear.

Moreover, the polarizing nature of contemporary discourse has led to a culture of tribalism, where individuals identify with certain groups or ideologies and view those outside of their tribe with suspicion or hostility. In such an environment, genuine dialogue becomes difficult, not to say impossible , as people are more concerned with defending their own beliefs than with understanding those of others.

The Importance of listening without prejudice cannot be overstated.

The Lost Art of Listening Without prejudice. Photo by Freepik via

Listening without prejudice means approaching conversations with an open mind and a willingness to consider perspectives that may differ from our own. It requires setting aside preconceived notions, biases, and personal agenda to fully engage with what others are saying. In essence, it is about granting others the respect of being heard without judgment.

In a world characterized by diversity and complexity, it is only through open engagement with differing perspectives that we can foster mutual understanding and empathy.

Listening without prejudice is not only essential for building meaningful relationships and resolving conflicts, but it is also crucial for personal growth and intellectual development. When we approach conversations with humility and a willingness to learn from others, we open ourselves up to new ideas and insights that can broaden our horizons and challenge our assumptions. In doing so, we not only expand our own understanding of the world but also contribute to the collective wisdom of humanity.

Listening without prejudice extends beyond individual interactions to broader societal issues. In a world rife with polarization and division, the ability to listen to opposing viewpoints with an open mind is crucial for bridging ideological divides and fostering constructive dialogue. It requires us to resist the temptation to retreat into echo chambers and instead engage with perspectives that challenge our assumptions.

How can we reclaim the lost art of listening without prejudice in a world that seems increasingly polarized and fragmented?

The Lost Art of Listening Without prejudice. Photo by Freepik via

The answer lies in cultivating empathy, humility, and critical thinking skills. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it is essential for effective communication. By putting ourselves in the shoes of others and imagining their experiences, perspectives, and challenges we can develop a deeper appreciation for their side of the story, without having to agree with it.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”


Humility is the recognition of our limitations and fallibility. It requires us to acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and that we can learn from others, even those with whom we disagree. By approaching conversations with humility, we can create space for genuine dialogue and mutual respect. Listening without prejudice is instrumental in challenging our assumptions and broadening our perspectives. When we approach conversations with an open mind, we invite the possibility of learning from those whose experiences differ from our own. Each interaction becomes an opportunity for growth, as we glean insights and wisdom from diverse sources, enriching our understanding of the world and ourselves in the process.

Critical thinking is the ability to evaluate information objectively and analyze arguments logically. In an age of misinformation and propaganda, critical thinking skills are more important than ever. By questioning assumptions, examining evidence, and considering alternative viewpoints, we can become more discerning listeners and more informed participants in public discourse.

The path to listening without prejudice is not without its challenges. It requires courage to confront our own biases and discomfort in confronting perspectives that challenge our worldview. It is not given to everybody to have the courage to acknowledge the presence of bias within themselves. This requires introspection and a willingness to examine our beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions with honesty and humility. By recognizing our own biases, we can actively work to mitigate their influence on our perceptions and interactions with others.

The art of listening without prejudice is a multifaceted skill that lies at the heart of effective communication and meaningful human connection. It requires us to set aside our biases, suspend judgment, and cultivate empathy for others. By honing this skill, we can create an environment where diverse perspectives are valued and dialogues flourish. In a world that often seems fractured by differences, listening without prejudice offers a pathway to understanding, reconciliation, and mutual respect. It is a journey worth embarking on – one conversation at a time.

And this, my dear friend, is Your Quest.

f you wish to support my work you can purchase my book This is Your Quest online at BookLocker, from Amazon, or from Barnes & Noble. The Ebook version is available on Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple (iBooks) & Kobo. Check out my Amazon Author Page here or my listing on

You can also follow me on my FaceBook Page and sign up for a Free Guide that I wrote for women to remind them that they should give themselves permission to be all that they can be.

Self-Doubt: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

There is a good, a bad, and an ugly side to self-doubt. Self-doubt is the relentless adversary that lurks within the depths of our psyche, ready to sabotage our endeavors and shatter our confidence. It is the insidious voice that whispers, “You are not good enough,” “You will never succeed.” or “You don’t deserve this.”

Self-doubt is the adversary we never asked for, yet it often becomes our most formidable opponent. It sabotages dreams, stifles ambitions, and erodes confidence with insidious precision. From the hesitant artist contemplating their next masterpiece to the aspiring entrepreneur weighing the risk of their venture, self-doubt knows no bounds.

In a world where success is often equated with confidence and self-assurance, self-doubt can feel like a weakness, a flaw to be hidden and overcome at all costs. And yet, within the depths of this seemingly endless struggle lies the potential for growth and resilience. For it is in confronting our doubts head on that we discover the true extent of our strength and resilience.

There is a whole spectrum of self-doubt; we should embrace the good, confront the bad, and overcome the ugly.

The good side of self-doubt

Contrary to its negative connotations, self-doubt can possess constructive attributes. At its core, it signals an awareness of one’s limitations and areas for improvement. This introspective quality fosters humility and authenticity, enabling individuals to approach challenges with a sense of realism. Moreover, self-doubt serves as a motivational force, propelling individuals to strive for excellence and pursue personal development relentlessly.

Self -Doubt is often perceived as a hindrance, but it can also serve as a catalyst for achieving excellence. While confidence is typically touted as the cornerstone of success, the journey towards mastery frequently involves grappling with moments of uncertainty and introspection. It is within the crucible of self-doubt that individuals are compelled to scrutinize their abilities, motivation, and aspirations with a keen eye. This critical self-reflection becomes a driving force, propelling individuals towards a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

In the realm of creativity, for instance, self-doubt acts as a relentless interrogator, challenging artists and innovators to push the boundaries of their comfort zones in pursuit of this “little je ne sais quoi.” The nagging voice of doubt, far from being a deterrent, becomes a relentless companion, pushing individuals to refine their skills and refine their craft.

Moreover, self-doubt fosters humility, reminding individuals of the vast expanse of knowledge yet to be explored and the infinite potential for growth. Rather than succumbing to the paralysis of indecisions, those who embrace self-doubt harness its energy to fuel their Quest for excellence. It is through confronting and overcoming doubt that individuals cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a steadfast determination to surmount obstacles.

The journey towards mastery is not a linear trajectory but a path marked by peaks and valleys, triumphs, and setbacks. In this tumultuous terrain, self-doubt serves as a compass, guiding individuals towards their true north while steering them away from complacency and mediocrity.

Furthermore, self-doubt fosters a sense of empathy and understanding, as individuals recognize the universal struggle to reconcile ambition and insecurity. Rather than viewing self-doubt as a sign of weakness, we should reframe it as a testament to the depth of one’s aspirations and the audacity to dream beyond conventional limitations.

Ultimately, it is through embracing and transcending self-doubt that individuals ascend to the pinnacle of mastery, not in spite of their insecurities, but because of them.

The bad side of self-doubt

Self-Doubt – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly – Photo form Freepik via

Despite its potential benefits, self-doubt can morph into a paralyzing force, hindering personal growth and impeding progress. Excessive self-doubt often stems from ingrained insecurities and negative self-perceptions, perpetuating a cycle of self-sabotage and diminished self-worth.

In professional settings, self-doubt may manifest as imposter syndrome causing individuals to doubt their accomplishments and feel unworthy of success. This pervasive sense of inadequacy undermines confidence and stifles ambition, preventing individuals from seizing opportunities and realizing their full potential. Despite external validation and recognition of their achievements, individual plagued by imposter syndrome persistently question their competence and attribute their success to luck or deception.

Moreover, self-doubt can strain interpersonal relationships, as individuals project their insecurities onto others, fostering mistrust and resentment. The fear of rejection and disapproval often leads individuals to withdraw from social interactions, further exacerbating feelings of isolation and alienation.

The ugly side of self-doubt

Self-Doubt -The Good, The Bad & The Ugly” – Photo form Freepik via

At its most extreme, self-doubt can spiral into debilitating anxiety and depression, eroding mental and emotional well-being. Chronic self-doubt breeds a sense of hopelessness and despair, trapping individuals in a cycle of negativity and self-loathing.

Self-doubt can undermine individuals’ belief in their own worth and capabilities. Constantly questioning oneself can create a negative feedback loop, where failures and setbacks are attributed to inherent flaws rather than external circumstances. This distorted perception can lead to feelings of hopelessness and resignation, diminishing motivation and enthusiasm for pursuing goal, making it extremely difficult for people to pursue their aspirations with conviction.

Left unchecked, it can culminate in self-destructive behaviors and profound existential crises. The impact of self-doubt can extend beyond the individual, affecting interpersonal relationships and societal dynamics. In social settings, chronic self-doubt may manifest as societal anxiety, inhibiting meaningful connections and interactions with others.  Fear of judgment and rejection can lead individuals to withdraw from societal situations perpetuating feelings of isolation and loneliness.

To confront the dark side of self-doubt, individuals must cultivate self-awareness and challenge negative thought patterns. Seeking support from family, friends, life coach or mental health professionals can provide valuable perspective and encouragement. By embracing vulnerability and reframing failures as opportunities for growth, individuals can break free from the grip of self-doubt and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Self-doubt embodies a complex interplay of perceptions and emotions. Ultimately we should embrace the good, confront the bad, and overcome the ugly.

And this, my dear friend, is Your Quest.

f you wish to support my work you can purchase my book This is Your Quest online at BookLocker, from Amazon, or from Barnes & Noble. The Ebook version is available on Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple (iBooks) & Kobo. Check out my Amazon Author Page here or my listing on

You can also follow me on my FaceBook Page and sign up for a Free Guide that I wrote for women to remind them that they should give themselves permission to be all that they can be.


A Comic Play Between Wisdom and Folly

Knowledge Without Action is Wastefulness and Action Without Knowledge is Foolishness

 In the grand theater of life, the stage is set for a comic play between wisdom and folly. Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness. As the lights come up, we see two characters enter from opposite sides of the stage. The first to enter was the sage, named Theodorus. He enters the stage slowly and pensively stroking his white long beard wondering about the reasons why he had to leave the comfort of his dwelling to be here on stage and in the spotlight. Then comes Barnaby a young man full of energy and enthusiasm for life; he doesn’t know why he is here, but he enjoys every minute of it.  Being on stage and in the spotlight boosts his already flamboyant nature and he decides to do some backflips to impress the public as he is making his way onto the stage.

Theodorus and Barnaby are the two main characters of this play where wisdom and folly will keep you entertained. It is a tale as old as time, where the protagonists, armed with their knowledge or driven by their impulsive actions stumble through the plotline of existence where knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness.

Scene One: The Couch Potato Sage

A Comic Play between Wisdom and Wisdom

In a quaint village between rolling hills, there lived a sage named Theodorus, revered by all the village people for his vast knowledge of ancient texts and philosophies. Yet, despite his wisdom, Theodorus rarely ventured beyond the confines of his humble dwelling. Why, you ask? Because Theodorus has mastered the art of knowledge without action, transforming his existence into a masterclass in “Couch Potato Philosophy.”

Theodorus strongly believes that knowledge is the light that illuminates the path of progress. Without it, we stumble blindly into the abyss of ignorance. Each day, he would regale the villagers with tales of enlightenment and profound insights; yet when asked to apply his wisdom to better the community, he would simply stroke his long white beard and mumble about the complexities of the universe.

However, today he experienced for the first time a strange feeling of uneasiness about all the sage advice he was sharing,  from the comfort of his home, with anyone who cared to listen, but without having been out and about in the world to test them.

Scene Two: Barnaby The Bold

A Comic Play between Wisdom and Wisdom

Meanwhile, on the other side of the village lived Barnaby, a young man with a heart of gold and a penchant for impulsive decisions. Barnaby was known for his enthusiastic penchant to dive headfirst into every endeavor without a moment of hesitation, causing him in the process a lot of heartache, pain, and injuries

Barnaby was renowned for his daring escapades, which often left the villagers either applauding his audacity or shaking their heads in disbelief. One fine morning, fueled by an unexplained impulse to start the day with a bang, Barnaby decided to challenge the village blacksmith to a wrestling match despite lacking any formal training or semblance of strategy. Barnaby charged into battle with the spirit of a seasoned warrior.

But spirit alone was not enough and very quickly he was overcome by the sheer power and technical ability of his opponent. Barnaby found himself pinned to the ground gasping for air; at this precise moment, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of his actions.

He started thinking about his father who was lost at sea and never to be seen again; and a profound sadness overcame him. For the first time, he thought action without knowledge was reckless. He came to the hard realization that a ship adrift without a compass, is doomed to crash upon the rocks of folly.

Still, Barnaby was very much appreciated by the villagers. Barnaby may have lacked the wisdom of the ages but his willingness to take action, however misguided, had endeared him to the hearts of the villagers.

Scene Three: The convergence of Wisdom and Folly

In a twist of fate worthy of the most whimsical of tales, Theodorus and Barnaby’s paths collided one fateful day during the village’s annual harvest festival. As Theodorus sat beneath the shade of an oak tree, wondering about the nature of existence, Barnaby who was covered in mud carrying a bag of apples stumbled upon him.

“Ah, Barnaby” Theodorus greeted him with a smile, “What folly have you found yourself embroiled in today?”

Barnaby smiled, putting the bag of apples at Theodorus’ feet: “Just trying to make myself useful, Mr. Theodorus. Though, I must admit, my actions often precede my thoughts.”

Theodorus nodded sagely, reaching for an apple and taking a bite: “And yet, therein lies the beauty of your existence, dear Barnaby. For while knowledge may illuminate the path, it is action that propels us forward.”

And suddenly, Theodorus had an epiphany: “Having knowledge is important because knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions, to navigate the complexities of life with clarity and purpose, but what good is knowledge if it remains stagnant, confined to the dusty shelves of academia? Action is the spark that ignites change, that transforms dreams into reality. Action propels us forward, driving us to overcome obstacles, to transform visions into tangible achievements. Knowledge without action is just potential, untapped energy waiting to be unleashed upon the world.”

So, Theodorus decided to take Barnaby under his wing and teach him some knowledge. Thereafter Barnaby went out in the world doing his thing but this time he was armed with some wisdom alongside his daring attitude. He made it his mission in life to put to the test everything he learned.

Scene Four: The moral of the story

And so, my dear readers, as we say farewell to our intrepid characters, let us reflect on the timeless wisdom imparted by their tales. In a world fraught with complexities and uncertainties, it is easy to succumb to the paralysis of analysis or the recklessness of impulses. But true enlightenment lies not in the accumulation of knowledge alone, nor in the blind pursuit of action, but rather in the delicate balance between the two.

So, the next time you find yourself paralyzed by indecision or jumping carelessly into the unknown, remember the sage Theodorus and the bold Barnaby. For in their unlikely union, we find the perfect synthesis of wisdom and folly.

Knowledge provides the foundation upon which action is built.  And Action enriches knowledge, breathing life into theories and hypotheses. True wisdom lies in the harmonious balance of knowledge and action.

Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness. But when united, they form a symphony of wisdom, guiding us towards a brighter future.

And this, my dear friend, is your Quest.

If you wish to support my work you can purchase my book This is Your Quest online at BookLocker, from Amazon, or from Barnes & Noble. The Ebook version is available on Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple (iBooks) & Kobo. Check out my Amazon Author Page here or my listing on

You can also follow me on my FaceBook Page and sign up for a Free Guide that I wrote for women to remind them that they should give themselves permission to be all that they can be.

Think Better So That You Can Feel Better

In the eternal Quest for human happiness and contentment, one fundamental principle emerges, the necessity of thinking better to feel better.  In a world filled with stress, anxiety, and existential dread, mastering the art of thinking better can be a game changer. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. At its core lies the virtue of rationality, combined with the knowledge that we should acknowledge and honor our emotions as well.

In this intricate tapestry of human experience, the interplay between thought and feeling weaves a complex narrative of existence.  To think better is to feel better, and the pathway to true fulfillment can be found  in the harmonious integration of mind and emotion.

Central to this philosophy is the recognition that thoughts and feelings are not opposing forces but complementary aspects of our well-being. Each informs each other, shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in profound ways. To neglect one at the expense of the other is to deny ourselves a holistic understanding of human nature, relegating us to a state of perpetual imbalance.

Think rationally, think critically, so that you can feel better.

Think Better so that you can feel better. Photo by Freepik via

Rationality demands that we engage our minds in a continuous pursuit of understanding, critically analyzing, and processing information. It urges us to question assumptions, challenge biases, and seek truth, even when it is uncomfortable. In doing so, we sharpen our cognitive faculties, enabling us to navigate the complexities of existence with clarity and purpose.

Having said that, the path to thinking better through rational and critical thinking is fraught with obstacles. Our minds are susceptible to cognitive biases, and ingrained patterns of thinking that distort our perception of reality. Confirmation bias, for instance, compels us to seek out information that reinforces our existing beliefs, blinding us to alternative viewpoints. Similarly, emotional reasoning can cloud our judgment, leading us to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify a viewpoint that we are attached to emotionally but which, from a rational point of view, does not make sense.

Overcoming these barriers requires discipline and introspection. It demands a willingness to confront our limitations and biases, embrace uncertainty, drop the urge to be right all the time, and pursue knowledge with humility. It is a journey marked by constant self-reflection and growth, a testament to the enduring power of the human intellect.

In the end, honing our ability to think critically and rationally is a noble endeavor; it is a testament to our capacity to reason, our ability to transcend the confines of instinct and emotion, and to aspire towards higher truths.

When we think better, we cultivate resilience against the storms of life. Rather than succumbing to the whims of fleeting emotions or irrational impulses, we anchor ourselves in reason, which in turn allows us to respond to events in our lives with wisdom and equanimity.

Moreover, thinking better fosters empathy and understanding towards others as we hone our capacity for critical thinking, we develop a deeper appreciation for the complexities of human experience. We recognize that beneath the surface of every emotion lies a story, a narrative shaped by individual circumstances and perspectives. Armed with this insight, we approach interpersonal interactions with compassion and humility, fostering meaningful connections built on mutual respect and understanding.

 In the end, the pursuit of rationality is a noble endeavor. It is a testament to our capacity for reason, our ability to transcend the confines of instinct and emotion, and to aspire towards higher truths. By thinking better, we not only enrich our own lives, but we also have a positive impact on people around us and we contribute in a small but meaningful way to the collective advancement of humanity, forging a brighter future grounded in reason, compassion, and understanding.

Harmonize your mind and emotions, so that you can feel better.

Think Better So That You Can Feel Better. Photo by freepik via

To think better is to feel better, and the way to get there is through a harmonious integration of mind and emotion. Rational thoughts and feelings are not opposing forces but complementary aspects of our complex existence. Each informs the other, shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in profound ways. To neglect one at the expense of the other is to deny ourselves a holistic understanding of reality, relegating us to a state of perpetual imbalance.

When we think better, we cultivate a deeper awareness of our emotions and their underlying causes. Rather than suppressing or denying them, we should embrace them with curiosity and compassion.  Through introspection and self-reflection, we uncover the hidden patterns and beliefs that govern our emotional responses, empowering us to cultivate greater emotional intelligence and resilience.

Emotions such as joy, gratitude, love, sadness, loneliness, and even pain can be a trigger to broaden our cognitive perspective, enabling us to think more creatively, and expansively. They fuel our motivation and curiosity, propelling us toward new insights and discoveries.  In this way, emotion becomes not a hindrance to rationality but a catalyst for it, enriching our intellectual lives and deepening our understanding of the world.

Yet, achieving this harmony is not easy. It requires a commitment to self-awareness and willingness to confront discomfort and uncertainty and a dedication to personal growth and transformation. It demands that we cultivate a sense of mindfulness, learning to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment or attachment. It invites us to embrace vulnerability and authenticity, recognizing that true strength lies not in stoicism but in emotional openness and resilience.

Ultimately the journey towards thinking better to feel better is a deeply personal one, shaped by our unique experiences, values, and aspirations. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance of learning to embrace the full spectrum of human experience with grace and gratitude. And it is a journey that holds a life of greater meaning, connection, and fulfillment.

And this my Dear Friend is your Quest.

If you wish to support my work you can purchase my book This is Your Quest online at BookLocker, from Amazon, or from Barnes & Noble. The Ebook version is available on Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple (iBooks) & Kobo. Check out my Amazon Author Page here or my listing on

You can also follow me on my FaceBook Page and sign up for a Free Guide that I wrote for women to remind them that they should give themselves permission to be all that they can be.